UK Parliament Cools down Fight over the Postmortem:

London’-(Scene-15- 17 April) - Honorable Gary Streeter brought forward an early day motion in the House of Commons this morning in an effort to cool down the fighting parties over whom to conduct the postmortem. This comes as the aging president Gayyoom resides at Singapore in an unofficial visit, away from the tensions of the country.
"Streeter, Gary
That this House notes with concern the increasing political turmoil in the Maldives following the unexplained killing of Mr Hussain Salah; condemns recent police brutality towards Mohammed Nasheed, Chairman of the Maldivian Democratic Party and others; calls upon President Gayoom to exercise restraint in dealing with current unrest and to restart the talks with all opposition parties on constitutional changes as soon as possible; and calls upon the UK Government and the international community to apply maximum pressure upon the government of the Maldives to bring about the peaceful transition to genuine multi-party democracy"

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